Add/parent physicsless sprite to matterjs vertexbody such that it moves with the body. PhaserJS using MatterJS

const poly1 = this.add.polygon(200, 200, Ployploy, 0x0000ff, 0.2); ThisPlayer = this.matter.add.gameObject(poly1, { shape: { type: 'fromVerts', verts: Ployploy, flagInternal: true } }); //add this sprite to a container with the above object...Atleast thats what Im hoping to do. ThisPlayer.testSprite = this.add.sprite(200,200, '');
What I have here is a snippet of code that given a list of vertices will create a physics body from them. After that what Im wanting to do is add a sprite to that body. In my full code I have a 2d array that defines where different sprites should be places onto that vertex body. Sadly Im failing to get just one to stick onto it. I could create a separate container with the tilemap / sprites and update its position constantly in the update loop, but I feel like there has to be some way to just stick these onto the physics object directly. Ive attached an image which shows the sprite which remains static despite the physics body having moved.

Ive looked online for examples of what Ive described above but cant seem to find any of my same situation. Im assume that because its obscure chatGPT cant resolve the issue either and hallucinates using ThisPlayer.add(sprite) or ThisPlayer+= Sprite. Mentioned above Ive got a few other solutions that I know will work but seem jank and Id like to do things right if possible.