Click button change the css in php and ajax

I am struggling to use Ajax so I tried to just use Javascript without it. I want to create a button switch on a banner so I can change the style of the page between 2 css files already created. I had already a form in another php file so I can chose the style and then submit it so it can change the style in all the plugin. I am thinking about getting the option with a post

This is my form :

 * Class used to manage the display of the content of the settings
class WoosterPartnerSettings
     * Hook to display the contents of the 'Settings' menu if the license is valid
    public function __construct()
        if (get_option('partner_license') && get_option('partner_license') != '') {
            add_action('tab_content_settings', array($this, 'wooster_partner_settings'));
            add_action('admin_init', array($this, 'display_style'));
            add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_style'));

     * Allows you to display the form to choose the style sheet to display
     * @return void
    public function wooster_partner_settings()
        <div class="wrap">
            <h1><?php echo __('Réglages Wooster', 'wooster-partner'); ?></h1>
            <hr class="line">

            <form method="post" action="options.php">
                <?php settings_fields('wooster-settings-group'); ?>
                <?php do_settings_sections('wooster-settings-group'); ?>

                <p class="parag"><?php echo __('Le plugin Compagnon propose deux styles d’affichage :', 'wooster-partner'); ?></p>

                <label for="style_wordpress">
                    <input type="radio" id="style_wordpress" name="wooster_style" value="compagnon-wp.css" <?php checked(get_option('wooster_style'), 'compagnon-wp.css'); ?>>
                    <?php echo __('Style WordPress', 'wooster-partner'); ?>

                <label for="style_wooster">
                    <input type="radio" id="style_wooster" name="wooster_style" value="compagnon-wooster.css" <?php checked(get_option('wooster_style'), 'compagnon-wooster.css'); ?>>
                    <?php echo __('Style Wooster', 'wooster-partner'); ?>

                <input type="submit" class="wooster-button" value="<?php echo __('Enregistrer les modifications', 'wooster-partner') ?>">

     * Registers the setting for the Wooster plugin style
     * @return void
    public function display_style()
        register_setting('wooster-settings-group', 'wooster_style');

     * Enqueues the selected style for Wooster plugin settings page
     * @return void
    public function enqueue_style()
        if (is_admin()) {
            if (isset($_GET['page']) && strpos($_GET['page'], 'wooster') === 0) {
                $selected_style = get_option('wooster_style', 'compagnon-wp.css'); // default style
                wp_enqueue_style('wooster-custom-style', plugins_url('wooster-partner/assets/css/' . $selected_style));
new WoosterPartnerSettings();

and this is my banner I created so it can be in all the plugin :

if (!class_exists('WoosterBanner')) {
    class WoosterBanner
        public function __construct()
            if (isset($_GET['page']) && in_array($_GET['page'], ['wooster','wooster-followup','wooster-licences','wooster-compagnon','wooster-customers','wooster-partner','wooster-settings','wooster-setup']) && is_admin()) {
                add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_styles'));
                add_action('in_admin_header', array($this, 'wooster_header_section'));
                 add_action('wp_ajax_switch_css', array($this, 'switch_css')); // request when the user is logged in

        public function wooster_header_section() {
            <div id="top-bar-banner">
            <div class="wooster-banner">
            <div class="logo">
                <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('assets/img/logo.avif', __DIR__); ?>" alt="Logo">
            <div class="actions">
                <form method="post" action="options.php" id="form">
            <?php settings_fields('wooster-settings-group'); ?>
            <button type="button" id="wooster-exchange-button" class="button">
                <i class="fas fa-exchange-alt"></i>
        <a href="#" class="button"><i class="fas fa-question-circle"></i></a>

        public function switch_css() {

            // Check the request
            $style = isset($_POST['style']) ? $_POST['style'] : '';
            // style is the id of the selected style in the html and the button
            if ($style === 'wooster-custom-style-css') {
                //set cookie to remember the selected style
                setcookie('selected_style', $style, time() + 3600, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN);
                echo plugins_url('assets/css/compagnon-wooster.css', __FILE__);
            } elseif ($style === 'csspartner-css') {
                //set cookie to remember the selected style
                setcookie('selected_style', $style, time() + 3600, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN);
                echo plugins_url('assets/css/compagnon-wp.css', __FILE__);

            // Don't forget to exit at the end of the function

        public function enqueue_styles() {
            // Register necessary styles and scripts
            wp_enqueue_style('wooster-banner', plugins_url('assets/css/banner.css', __DIR__));
            wp_enqueue_style('font-awesome', '', array(), '5.15.4');

            wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); // Js library
            wp_enqueue_script('wooster-banner', plugins_url('assets/js/banner.js', __DIR__), array('jquery'), null, true);

    new WoosterBanner();

    var currentStyle = 'style_wordpress'; // Définissez le style par défaut ici

    document.getElementById("wooster-exchange-button").addEventListener("click", function() {
        var style1 = document.getElementById('style_wordpress');
        var style2 = document.getElementById('style_wooster');

        if (currentStyle === 'style_wordpress') {
            style1.disabled = true;
            style2.disabled = false;
            currentStyle = 'style_wooster';
        } else {
            style1.disabled = false;
            style2.disabled = true;
            currentStyle = 'style_wordpress';