Get “prompt()” input from a web worker and return it from function?

I’m working with the pyodide library and i’ve ran into an issue, I need to add a handler for stdin, however I’m running pyodide in a web worker and I don’t have access to the window or any sort of prompt.

pyodide.setStdin({ stdin: () => { 
    // code here

I have tried using the postMessage() function to ask the page for input and send it back, but since I am returning this from a function I am unable to receive the input before I have to return. I have also tried using SharedArrayBuffer and Atomics to freeze the web worker until the page responds, but I was unable to figure out a solution with those, however I think it’s a good starting point. Most solutions I’ve seen so far have just been to restructure code, but since pyodide is an external library I am forced to return from the function I set in pyodide.setStdin