Node-Canvas Library: Text not visible and coming below Image

I’m trying to use node-canvas npm package to generate an image from canvas.
But the texts(TITLE 1 and TITLE 2) are appearing below the image. I want the image to be a background spanning across the canvas size and then put the texts over the image.

Here is my code:

const { createCanvas, loadImage } = require("canvas");
const fs = require("fs");

// Dimensions for the image/canvas
const width = 848;
const height = 600;

// Instantiate the canvas object
const canvas = createCanvas(width, height);
const context = canvas.getContext("2d");

context.font = "bold 70pt 'PT Sans'";
context.textAlign = "center";
context.fillStyle = "#764abc";

context.fillText("TITLE 1", 600, 170);

context.font = "bold 100pt 'PT Sans'";
context.textAlign = "center";
context.fillStyle = "#764abc";

context.fillText("TITLE 2", 600, 270);

// Write the image to file
loadImage("./assets/jimp-cert-template.jpg").then((image) => {
  const pattern = context.createPattern(image, "no-repeat");
  context.fillStyle = pattern;
  context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
  const buffer = canvas.toBuffer("image/jpeg");
  fs.writeFileSync("./image.jpeg", buffer);

I’ve tried putting the loadImage function before drawing the texts in the canvas, but that also didn’t work. I want the image to be a background spanning across the canvas size and then put the texts over the image.