Is there a way to access a nested array property with space in b/w?

I created this nested Array as practice work. In the second object of the nestedArr(which is the first in array understanding), I used space in between the property name ‘items list’ to store the data. I have tried to access data from the items lists array but, I keep having problem. can someone please help out with a hint.

const nestedArr =[
    description: "Items",
    names: [
    type: "Material",
    "items list": [

const check = nestedArr[0].names[0]; //pen
const check2 nestedArr[1].["items list"][0]; // block
//Second Example

const nestAarray =[
type: "Home Office",
detail: [
   "Postal Code",
practice: "Make Perfect",
failure: [

const check3 = nestArray[1].failure[2]; // Master
const check4 = nestArray[0].detail[0]; // Location

/* I have practice more and more with the second example. It's not a problem for me */

const nestedArr =[
description: “Items”,
names: [
type: “Material”,
“items list”: [

const check = nestedArr[0].names[0]; //pen
const check2 nestedArr[1].[“items list”][0]; // block