Why does my data URL not fetch and exicute the JavaScript?

I want to have a data url that fetches code from my two github repos, just like this one (not mine, but working)

data:text/html, <script src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/dragon731012/caudns/jszip.js' defer></script> <script src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/dragon731012/caudns/filesaver.js' defer></script> <script src='https://caudns.vercel.app/main.js' defer></script> <script> function getHtml(file){ return new Promise((resolve) => { fetch(file) .then((response) => response.text()) .then((html) => { resolve(html); }); }); } async function start(){ var html=await getHtml('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/dragon731012/caudns/data.txt'); html=html.toString(); console.log(html); document.body.innerHTML=html; } start(); </script>

however, i want mine to fetch from this https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dinguschan-owo/dingusproxy/main/script.js and this https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dinguschan-owo/dingusproxy/main/index.html. the html works, but not the js.

i tried changing the js to https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/dinguschan-owo/dingusproxy/main/script.js, and that didn’t help either