Query DynamoDB with array of numbers that is not the pk or sk in NodeJs?

This is my API request body (Array of numbers):

        "userIds": [10,11,12, 20]

Where the usersIds in DB is a number type and it’s not the primary or secondary keys.
I need to query DynamoDB and get the details of these users in NodeJs please.

I tried:

const keys: { userIds: number }[] = userIds.map(id => ({ userID: id }))
        const params: BatchGetCommandInput = {
           RequestItems: {
            [this.tableName]: {
                Keys: keys,
                ProjectionExpression: projectionExpression
return ResultAsync.fromPromise(this.dynamoDocumentClient.batchGet(params),

I think that batchGet needs the keys to be passed so doesn’t work in this case!