Breaking Through XSS: Bypassing CSP and Dealing with EvalError

I’m attempting an XSS attack on my server, which has CSP configured as follows:

  directives: {
    defaultSrc: ["'self'"],
    scriptSrc: [

The attacker is provided with an input field:

<form action="/createThread?topic={{lcTopic}}" method="post" class="">
    <h2 class="text-muted">New Thread</h2>
    <div class="form-group">
      <textarea type="text" rows="10" class="form-control" name="body" placeholder="Type the body of your thread here..."></textarea>
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Create Thread</button>
    <button type="button" id="threadPreview" class="btn btn-default">Preview</button>

I managed to bypass the CSP simply by injecting the following:

<SCRIPT src=""></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT src="" /></SCRIPT>
<div ng-app ng-csp style="display:none;">

I’m attempting to execute:

{{ x = $"fetch('/').then(d => {})") }}

as described in hacktricks
, but I encounter an EvalError. I don’t understand how to bypass this EvalError.