Click comment button on Reddit

I want to add a comment to a Reddit post.

Without using Praw.

I have to click on “Add comment”, type text and press “Comment” button.

I am in the first step of “Add comment”.


I’m testing it with the Chrome console in javascript. But once it works I will move it to python.

I have tried this code but without success.

console.log(document.querySelector('faceplate-tracker[noun="add_comment_placeholder"] button[data-testid="trigger-button"]'));
document.querySelector('faceplate-tracker[noun="add_comment_placeholder"] button[data-testid="trigger-button"]').click();
console.log(document.querySelector('faceplate-tracker[noun="add_comment_button"] button[data-testid="trigger-button"]'));
document.querySelector('faceplate-tracker[noun="add_comment_button"] button[data-testid="trigger-button"]').click();

What am I doing wrong?

I need to click on the button “Add comment” to be able to write text.