get xlsx from quart page with javascript

I have a problem. I want to get xlsx made from this route, the problem is open other page but this take a lot of time then I do a button with javascript to do fetch and get the file but it isn’t working.

¿What I do wrong? or ¿What I can try?

I’ve saw some solutions with chunks but I don’t know, ¿someone can help me?

<!-- after I try this -->
{% if total_records > 0 %}
    <button class="btn btn-success" id="button_download_xslx" type="button">Convertir a
    <a class="btn btn-primary mx-5" id="anchor-download-xlsx">Descargar</a>
<!-- original idea -->
                href="{{ next_page_or_download_xlsx(page='transport_cash_blueprint.download_xlsx', query_params=query_params) }}"
                class="btn btn-primary mx-5">Descargar</a>
{% endif %}

from quart import Blueprint
from quart import request
from quart import send_file, render_template, redirect, url_for

from quart_auth import login_required

from xlsxwriter import Workbook
from asyncio import TaskGroup
from wtforms import Form
from io import BytesIO

from math import ceil

from ..form import TransportCashForm
from ..contants import COLUMNS_TRANSPORT_CASH
from ..database import (

transport_cash_blueprint = Blueprint(

@transport_cash_blueprint.get("/download_xlsx", methods=["GET"])
async def download_xlsx():
    query_params = dict(request.args)

    output = BytesIO()
    workbook = Workbook(output, {"in_memory": True})

    worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()

    query = create_query_transport_cash(query_params)
    data = await transport_cash_all(query)

    for col_num, title_data in enumerate(COLUMNS_TRANSPORT_CASH):
        worksheet.write(0, col_num, title_data)

    for row_num, row_data in enumerate(data):
        for col_num, col_data in enumerate(row_data):
            worksheet.write(row_num + 1, col_num, col_data)

    return await send_file(output, download_name="test.xlsx", as_attachment=True)
    async (event) => {
        let descargarEnlace = document.getElementById("anchor-download-xlsx")
        let newUrl = query_params()

        const response = await fetch(newUrl, {method: "GET"});
        const data = await response.blob();
        const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);
        descargarEnlace.href = url;  // Asignar la URL al enlace;


query_params = () => {
    const params = new URLSearchParams(;

    let url = new URL("");

    let params_dictionary = {
        fecha_desde_cuando_value: params.get("fecha_desde_cuando_value"),
        fecha_hasta_cuando_value: params.get("fecha_hasta_cuando"),
        numero_identificacion_value: params.get("numero_identificacion"),
        nombre_razon_social_value: params.get("nombre_razon_social"),

    // Si el largo del objecto filtrado es mayor a 0 añade las llaves y valores
    if (Object.keys(params_dictionary).length > 0) {
        // filtramos los valores si es nulo

        let filtered_params = Object.fromEntries(
                ([key, value]) => value != null)

            key => url.searchParams.append(key, filtered_params[key])
        return url
    return url