Partial View .Net MVC render javascript file

I have an error when loading a partial view in the following way, the problem is that when loading a second time the modal window tries to load the javascript file, therefore it gives an error in the variables that have already been declared more than once.

Partial View Controller

        public ActionResult _ClaimDetail()
            return PartialView();

Javascript call to load modal
$(buttonCharge).ModalPersonalize('show', urlController, 'rebuild title');

PartialView Modal cshtml

<div class="modalbody">

<div class="modalbuttons">

<script src="@Url.Content("~/JavacriptLogicModal.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>

The error occurs when the modal is opened for the second time, How could I solve it, some way to render once the javascript file?

I already tried adding validations but nothing works