Issue with total score function ( angular)

I have a feature with three sections . The first section is used to caculate BMI and then that BMI is used to give a score to that section this then should be added to the total score . The issue is that whatever the BMI is the total score is always shown as 0 that is not correct.

Here is the relevant code . Any help working out what i have done wrong would be very helpful.

 updateBMI(sectionIndex: number, choices: any[]): void {
    // Find the choices for height and weight
    const heightChoice = choices.find(choice => choice.label === "Height(cm)");
    const weightChoice = choices.find(choice => choice.label === "Weight (kg)");
    // Check if both height and weight choices are found
    if (heightChoice && weightChoice) {
      const height = heightChoice.value;
      const weight = weightChoice.value;
      // Perform BMI calculation
      const bmi = this.calculateBMI(height, weight);
      // Calculate section score
      const sectionScore = this.calculateSection1Score(sectionIndex, bmi);
      // Update BMI Score choice in choices array
      const bmiScoreChoice = choices.find(choice => choice.label === "BMI Score");
      if (bmiScoreChoice) {
        bmiScoreChoice.value = Math.round(bmi).toString();
      // Update the original Sections array with the modified choices
      this.Sections[sectionIndex].choices = choices;
      // Update the section score property
      this.sectionScore = sectionScore;
      // Calculate total score
  calculateBMI(height: number, weight: number): number {
    // BMI formula: weight (kg) / height (m) ^ 2
    const bmi = weight / Math.pow(height / 100, 2); // Convert height from cm to meters
    return Math.floor(bmi);
  }calculateSection1Score(sectionIndex: number, bmi: number): number {
    let sectionScore: number;
    if (bmi > 20) {
      sectionScore = 0; // Obese
    } else if (bmi >= 18.5 && bmi <= 20) {
      sectionScore = 1;
    } else {
      sectionScore = 2;
    // Recalculate total score whenever the section score changes
    return sectionScore; 

// Return the calculated section score
 calculateTotalScore(): void {
    let totalScore = 0;

    // Calculate total score from sectionScore
    if (this.sectionScore !== null) {
      totalScore += this.sectionScore;

    // Calculate total score from score property in section 2
    if (this.score !== null) {
      totalScore += this.score;

    // Calculate total score from selectedOptions in section 3
    for (const key of Object.keys(this.selectedOptions)) {
      totalScore += this.selectedOptions[key].score;

    // Assign the calculated total score to the totalScore property
    this.totalScore = totalScore;

I have tried updating the updateBMI function but not fixed it.