Problem comparing two dates in flight search engine

I want to write a condition that the day of the flight that someone choose is equal/ greatet than today:

heres the service:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

  providedIn: 'root',
export class FlightSelectionService {
  startingCity: string = 'Warsaw';
  selectedEndingCity: string = 'Paris';
  startingDate: Date = new Date();
  endingDate: Date = this.startingDate;
  currentDate: Date = new Date();
  adultsNumber: number = 0;
  childrenNumber: number = 0;
  validatePassengers(): boolean {
    const totalPassengers = this.adultsNumber + this.childrenNumber;
    return totalPassengers > 0;

  validateDates(): boolean {
    console.log(this.startingDate + ' ' + this.startingDate.getTime());
    console.log(this.currentDate + ' ' + this.currentDate.getTime());
    console.log(this.startingDate.getTime() === this.currentDate.getTime());

    const isStartingDateValid =
      this.startingDate.getTime() >= this.currentDate.getTime();
    const isEndingDateValid = this.endingDate > this.startingDate;
    const areDatesDifferent =
      this.startingDate.getTime() !== this.endingDate.getTime();

    return isStartingDateValid && isEndingDateValid && areDatesDifferent;
  constructor() {}

and the validation code inside valide Date function:

  console.log(this.startingDate + ' ' + this.startingDate.getTime());
    console.log(this.currentDate + ' ' + this.currentDate.getTime());
    console.log(this.startingDate.getTime() === this.currentDate.getTime());

    const isStartingDateValid =
      this.startingDate.getTime() >= this.currentDate.getTime();

it doesnt work, and i tried:

const startingDateInUTC = new Date(this.startingDate.getUTCFullYear(), this.startingDate.getUTCMonth(), this.startingDate.getUTCDate());
const currentDateInUTC = new Date(this.currentDate.getUTCFullYear(), this.currentDate.getUTCMonth(), this.currentDate.getUTCDate());

const isStartingDateValid = startingDateInUTC.getTime() >= currentDateInUTC.getTime();

How to implement this date comparsion correctly? The startingDate has to be currentDate or higher, so i can book flight for day or the future, not for the past.