Unable to move points inside a polygon when dragging the polygon with OpenLayers Translate Interaction

I am working with a map application using OpenLayers and I’ve encountered an issue with moving points inside a polygon using the Translate Interaction.

I have an array of points and a polygon, all represented as Features on the map. My goal is to have all the points inside the polygon move the same distance as the polygon when it is dragged. Here is the code snippet I am using to attempt this:

if (feature.getProperties().gisObjectMetaDto.objTypeCd === '04') {
    var translateInteraction = new Translate({ features: new Collection([feature]) });
    //find point constraints with polygon
    const objCd = feature.getProperties().gisObjectMetaDto.objCd;
    const objectConstraint = globalContext['objInstRel'].filter((o) => o.trgtObjCd === objCd && o.gisObjectMetaDto.useYn === 'Y').map((item) => item.gisObjectMetaDto.objCd);

    let ListPoints = [];
    FeatureApis.findPointInsidePolygon(feature.getProperties().polygonObjectDto.objId, objectConstraint).then((res) => {
        res.forEach((o) => {
            if (o.geometry != null) {
                o.geometry = JSON.parse(o.geometry);
                const feature = new Feature({
                    geometry: new Point(o.geometry.coordinates),
                    properties: o.properties,
                const layer = getLayerByName(o.properties.gisObjectMetaDto.objCd);
                if (layer) {
                    feature.set("layer", layer);

    translateInteraction.on('translatestart', function (event) {
        ListPoints.forEach(function (pointFeature) {
            var originalCoord = pointFeature.getGeometry().getCoordinates();
            pointFeature.set('originalCoord', originalCoord);

    translateInteraction.on('translating', function (event) {
        var deltaX = event.coordinate[0] - event.startCoordinate[0];
        var deltaY = event.coordinate[1] - event.startCoordinate[1];
        ListPoints.forEach(function (pointFeature) {
            var originalCoord = pointFeature.get('originalCoord');
            var newCoord = [originalCoord[0] + deltaX, originalCoord[1] + deltaY];
            console.log(pointFeature.getGeometry().flatCoordinates, 'newCoord');

    translateInteraction.on('translateend', function (event) {
        ListPoints.forEach(function (pointFeature) {


The issue I am facing is that when I perform the drag action on the polygon, the points inside do not move accordingly. I’ve checked to ensure that all points are accessible and there are no errors logged in the console.
Would anyone be able to provide guidance or suggestions on how to resolve this issue? Thank you!