Output text fields not working on wix using javascript

I am trying to take user input from dropdown boxes and text fields to carry out a calculation however I cannot seem to show the output in the boxes I want to.

Below is the code I have used to try and output the values but the boxes in the image attached don’t seem to change:

$w(“#text5”).text = (100 * (1 – Treatment1Year1)) >= 90 ? “>90%” : (100 * (1 – Treatment1Year1)) <= 10 ? “<10%” : (100 * (1 – Treatment1Year1)) + “%”;

$w("#text6").text = (100 * (1 - Treatment1Year3)) >= 90 ? ">90%" : (100 * (1 - Treatment1Year3)) <= 10 ? "<10%" : (100 * (1 - Treatment1Year3)) + "%";

$w("#text7").text = (100 * (1 - Treatment2Year1)) >= 90 ? ">90%" : (100 * (1 - Treatment2Year1)) <= 10 ? "<10%" : (100 * (1 - Treatment2Year1)) + "%";

$w("#text8").text = (100 * (1 - Treatment2Year3)) >= 90 ? ">90%" : (100 * (1 - Treatment2Year3)) <= 10 ? "<10%" : (100 * (1 - Treatment2Year3)) + "%";

enter image description here

I am new to javascript and wix so any help would be greatly appreciated 🙂