I want to convert the date object into a different timezone object(remember not a tz string that i know already) to feed in react date picker [closed]

Actually i have a coach-student task management system. In which coach and student may be of different countries . And coach can login to student account directly with a button and assign them a task. So coach should see the time options according to student timezone. I used react-date-picker for selecting time. So it wants date object only to function. but moment().tz(“Asia/Dhaka”) gives me a timezone string but when i convert it using moment().tz(“Asia/Dhaka”).toDate() then it gives me the date object according to my system’s default timezone. i tried all libraries and we cannot programmetically set system timezone to a custom timezone. I want the date object to be converted to “Asia/Dhaka” timezone which is GMT+6:00 not Asia/kolkata which is GMT+5:30.

I tried moment , moment-timezone, luxon to try to get custom timezone object. i tried moment.tz.setDefault to set timezone but its not working . I tried intl.datetimeformat().resolvedoptions().timezone to change system timezone but its constant we cannot change . There are lot of options to get timezone string but no option to get custom timezone object.