MongoDBAtlasVectorSearch: Operand type is not supported for $vectorSearch: objectId

I’m using a langchain script in order to make a similarity search of a query embedding in an embedding’s MongoDb collection but I want to pre filter the documents to search only in the documents that are $in an objectId array.

// Get the list of embeddings _ids to preFilter
const documentData =  await documentCollection.findOne(
  { "_id": documentId },
  { "embededings": 1 }
const documentEmbeddingsId = documentData.embeddings

// Embed query
const query = "What is this document about?"
const embeddings = new OpenAIEmbeddings({
  openAIApiKey: "XXX"
const embeddedQuery = await embeddings.embedQuery(query)

// Similarity search
const vectorStore = new MongoDBAtlasVectorSearch(embeddings, {
  indexName: "XXX",
  textKey: "XXX", 
  embeddingKey: "XXX", 
const preFilter = {
    preFilter: {
      _id: {
        $in: objIds
const storingResponse = await vectorStore.similaritySearchVectorWithScore(embeddedQuery,4,preFilter)

Running this code returns this error:
‘Error: MongoServerError: Operand type is not supported for $vectorSearch: objectId’.
Is the error in the preFilter? Or is this type of filter not supported by mongodb? Any ideas on how I can make this search?