Retrieving firstName from a Firebase Realtime Database where UserId matches the uid of the person logged in

I have tried to figure this out using tutorials and videos and can’t get it to work. My Firebase Realtime database has a table called “users”. In the users table are two fields – UserId and firstName.

I want to retrieve the firstName field value of the record where UserId = uid of currently logged in user. Here is my code:

//monitoring authchanges 
onAuthStateChanged(auth, async (user) => {
    if (user) {
        const uid = user.uid;
        const firstname = await getFirstnameOfLoggedInUser();
        if (firstname) {
            welcomeTxt.textContent = "Welcome back, " + firstname + "!";
        } else {
            // Handle case where firstname retrieval fails (optional)
    } else {
        console.log("user is logged out");
        welcomeTxt.textContent = "Welcome! Please sign in or create an account.";

//get FirstName of person logged in
async function getFirstnameOfLoggedInUser() {
    const user = auth.currentUser;
    if (user) {
        const uid = user.uid;
        const userRef = ref(database, "users/" + uid);
        get(userRef, (snapshot) => {
            const userdata = snapshot.val().firstName;


This code logs the current uid correctly but does not retrieve the correct record in the users table even though I see that the UserId and uid match. Please help!