Postman receiving cookie but my browser isn’t receiving it when I try

I am making a website with flask and react. The user inputs an email and password on a form, to the backend, backend checks if email and password is correct with database, if so, backend returns a cookie. In postman the cookie is set, not in my browser. Apparently the frontend is receiving nothing from the backend in my browser, because it doesnt even print the console.log that I put in the In postman the cookie is set, not in my browser

Axios post:

  const handleLogin = function(){"", {email:email, password:password}, {withCredentials:true, headers : {'Content-Type' : 'multipart/form-data'}}).then(response => {

      if(["message"] == "Logado com sucesso"){

    }).catch(error => {alert(; console.error("Error occurred in login request:", error);});

flask return:

            resposta = make_response(jsonify({"message": "Logado com sucesso"}))
            resposta.set_cookie('id', str(data[0]), httponly=True, samesite='None')
            return resposta

Apparently the frontend is receiving nothing from the backend in my browser, because it doesnt even print the console.log that I put in the I set the CORS to support credentials and withCredentials:true.