Spotify Web API returning ‘Insufficient client scope.’ despite full client scopes

I have written a program that intends to add songs to my own spotify playlist.

The below is the auth code:

const { SpotifyWebApi } = require('spotify-web-api-node');

module.exports = async (req, res) => {
  const spotifyApi = new SpotifyWebApi({
    clientId: process.env.SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID,
    clientSecret: process.env.SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET,
    redirectUri: `${process.env.VERCEL_URL}/api/callback`,

  const scopes = ['playlist-read-private', 'playlist-read-collaborative', 'playlist-modify-public', 'playlist-modify-private', 'user-read-playback-state', 'user-modify-playback-state', 'user-read-currently-playing', 'playlist-read-collaborative', 'user-read-playback-position', 'user-library-modify'];
  const authorizeURL = spotifyApi.createAuthorizeURL(scopes, null);
  res.writeHead(302, { Location: authorizeURL });

While you’d think I’d only need playlist-modify-public and private, I included them all after testing to make sure. The /callback function returns the refresh token which I include in my code.

Yet, when I try await spotifyApi.addTracksToPlaylist(playlistId, [`spotify:track:${songId}`]);, I get the following error:
"An error occurred while communicating with Spotify's Web API.nDetails: Insufficient client scope."

I don’t see how I can have the incorrect client scope?? I’ve made sure the tokens are correct. I don’t know what to do.