Chrome auto job apply extension

I am working on the chrome extension for auto jobs apply on indeed and encountering this issue.
I’m encountering an issue where, upon setting a radio button’s checked attribute to true using JavaScript, the radio button appears to be selected. However, when I subsequently click a continue button on the page, the selected radio button’s state seems to vanish
Is there a way to ensure that the selected radio button remains in its checked state even after interacting with other elements on the page, such as continue buttons?
this is source code that I am using currently.
I was tried to solve it various ways but always upon clicking the continue button radio input vanished just in search of a solution though which clicking on the continue button input remain same so I can go further

function clickNoOnRadioButtons() {
  const radioButtons = document.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]');
  radioButtons.forEach(radioButton => {
    // Check if the radio button value is "0" (representing "No")
    if (radioButton.value === "0") {
      // Set the radio button to checked (No option)
      radioButton.checked = true;
      radioButton.dispatchEvent(new Event('click')); // Dispatch click event
      console.log('Selected "No" option for radio button:', radioButton);

function clickContinueButton() {
  const continueButton = document.querySelector('#ia-container > div > div.css-12qwcfa.eu4oa1w0 > div > div > div.css-w93e9b.e37uo190 > div.css-6e23tm.eu4oa1w0 > div > div > main > div.ia-BasePage-footer.dd-privacy-allow > div > button');
  if (continueButton) {;
    console.log('Clicked on continue button.');
  } else {
    console.log('Continue button not found.');