React Native Expo published app not displaying logo properly

I published an app on Google Play. Everywhere the logo is fine, but when I install app on physical device from Google Play, it does not show the full logo of my app. Weird behaviour, kind of like it zooms in, cuts off the edges.
I suspect it’s something to do with my app.json, I tried with a bunch of image sizes, maybe I am not trying correct ones.

"icon": "./192.png",
"android": {
  "adaptiveIcon": {
    "foregroundImage": "./Icon.png",
    "backgroundImage": "./BG.png"

This is the latest code I tried.
192.png is basically 192 x 192 image.
Icon.png is the icon image by itself (not including the background of the icon).
BG.png is the background color of the image.

How I expected it to show up once installed
How it shows up once installed

I tried using 512 x 512 png image in the icon field as well, but that did not work either.