How do I prevent the use of mocks on certain tests but use it on others?

I have written three Jest unit tests and I am mocking a function. This mock is used for two unit tests but my third one fails since it needs to access the real code. If I comment out the mock, then the first two tests fail and third one passes. I tried using beforeAll and beforeEach methods where I disable the mock only for the third test but haven’t had any success. I’d appreciate any help!


import { render, act, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react';
import ReactErrorBoundary from '../../components/ReactErrorBoundary';
import { ErrorBoundary } from 'react-error-boundary';
import { logger } from '../../services/logService';

jest.mock('../../services/logService', () => ({
  logger: jest.fn(),

jest.mock('react-error-boundary', () => {
  const ErrorPage = require('../../components/ErrorPage').default;

  return {
    ErrorBoundary: jest.fn(({ onError, onReset, FallbackComponent }) => {
      onError && onError(new Error());
      onReset && onReset();

      return {
        FallbackComponent: ErrorPage,

describe('ReactErrorBoundary with mocked ErrorBoundary', () => {
  beforeAll(() => {
    jest.mock('react-error-boundary', () => {
      const ErrorPage = require('../../components/ErrorPage').default;

      return {
        ErrorBoundary: jest.fn(({ onError, onReset, FallbackComponent }) => {
          onError && onError(new Error());
          onReset && onReset();

          return {
            FallbackComponent: ErrorPage,

  test('renders ErrorBoundary with ErrorPage as FallbackComponent', () => {
    render(<ReactErrorBoundary />);
        FallbackComponent: expect.any(Function),
        onError: expect.any(Function),
        onReset: expect.any(Function),
        children: undefined,
      }, {});            

  test('passes children to ErrorBoundary', () => {
    const children = <div>Hello World</div>;

      FallbackComponent: expect.any(Function),
      onError: expect.any(Function),
      onReset: expect.any(Function),
      children: <div>Hello World</div>,
    }, {});  

describe('ReactErrorBoundary without mocked ErrorBoundary', () => {
  beforeAll(() => {

  test('logs error message when onError is triggered', () => {
    const spy = jest.spyOn(console, 'log').mockImplementation();

        <ChildComponentWithError />

    expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Error caught!');



const ChildComponentWithError = () => {
  throw new Error('Test Error');