Displaying JSON data with Vue3

This is weird, but it is the first time I have dealt with JSON in Vue3, and it doesn’t seem to be reacting as I expected.

I have some JSON in a Vue DataObject called dataObject

data() {
  return {
    dataObject: {}

My JSON data looks, something, like this,

  "myDataList": [
      "list_item_1_1": "1234",
      "list_item_1_2": "2023-09-21T09:06:13.000Z",
      "list_item_1_6": [
          "inline_list_item_1_6_1": "ABCD",
      "list_item_2_1": "EFGH",
      "list_item_2_2": "5678",
      "list_item_2_3": "IJKL",
      "list_item_2_8": {
        "list_item_2_8_1": "OK",
        "list_item_2_8_2": "MAYBE",
        "list_item_2_8_3": "9011"

Now for some reason I can’t reach into the data and pull out, for example, list_item_2_8. As this is Vue I am using <p>Data Value: {{this.dataObject.1.list_item_2_8}</p>, however this gives me an Unexpected token error in the console. When I run this through a JSON tool, this configuration of JSON is valid…

StackOverflow, Google, JSONFormatter.org and JSONQueryTool.com

Could someone point me in the right direction please? What am I doing wrong?