lora-packet configure Join Accept

I’m trying to configure the Join Accept using the lora-packet library as follows:

            const NetIdHexString = "001122"; //network identifier
            const AppNonceHexString = "334455"; // or JoinNonce non-repeating value provided by Join Server
            const NetIdBuffer = Buffer.from(NetIdHexString, "hex");
            const AppNonceBuffer = Buffer.from(AppNonceHexString, "hex");
            const sessionKeys = lora_packet.generateSessionKeys10(AppKey, NetIdBuffer, AppNonceBuffer, Buffer.from(devNonce, "hex"));
            keysInstance.setSessionKeys(sessionKeys.AppSKey, sessionKeys.NwkSKey);
            if (debugMode) {
                console.log("AppSKey:", sessionKeys.AppSKey.toString("hex"));
                console.log("NwkSKey:", sessionKeys.NwkSKey.toString("hex"));
            const constructedPacket = lora_packet.fromFields(
                    MType: "Join Accept", // (default)
                    NetID: NetIdBuffer,
                    AppNonce: AppNonceBuffer,
                    DevAddr: Buffer.from("01766f7f", "hex"), // big-endian
                    DLSettings: 0,
                    RxDelay: 0
                null, // AppSKey
                null, // NwkSKey
            if (debugMode) {
                console.log("constructedPacket.toString()=n" + constructedPacket);
            const base64 = constructedPacket.getPHYPayload().toString('base64');
            if (debugMode) {
                console.log("wireFormatPacket.toString()=" + constructedPacket.getPHYPayload().toString("hex") + " base64= " + base64  + " wireFormatPacket length:" + constructedPacket.MACPayloadWithMIC.length);

But when I check it in the LoRaWAN 1.0.x packet decoder, I get a message that the MIC is incorrect. What am I doing wrong?

Im trying to check constructedPacket.MACPayloadwithMIC but its inccorect too.