How can modify transformation in material design js file?

I have cloned this repository material design

In the catalog folder of this project catalog, at the path of /scripts/copy-docs.mjs, the following command remove some specific comments from md files.

const transforms = [
  // catalog-only code comments are removed
    before: /<!-- catalog-only-start -->(n)*?<!--s*/gm,
    after: '',
    before: /s*-->(n)*?<!-- catalog-only-end -->/gm,
    after: '',
  // removes everything in between github-only-start and github-only-end
  // comments
    before: /s*<!-- no-catalog-start -->(.|n)*?<!-- no-catalog-end -->s*/gm,
    after: 'nn',
  // eleventy pages end with `/` so `components/` will turn into the
  // url `/components/checkbox`. Thus we need to transform the relative
  // `./images` links to `../images`.
    before: /images//gm,
    after: '../images/',

async function fileIncludeTransform(filepath, fileContents) {
  const catalogIncludeRegex = /<!--s?catalog-include "(.+)"s?-->/g;
  const matches = [];
  let match = catalogIncludeRegex.exec(fileContents);

  // Collect all the regex matches
  while (match) {
    match = catalogIncludeRegex.exec(fileContents);

  const fileDir = dirname(filepath);

  // Iterate through the regex matches backward and splice in the file contents.
  // Iterating backwards so that injecting won't affect match string indices.
  for (let i = matches.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    const match = matches[i];
    const matchedString = match[0];
    const includePath = match[1];

    console.log(`Injecting ${includePath} file contents into ${filepath}...`);
    const includeContents = await readFile(join(fileDir, includePath), 'utf8');

    fileContents = fileContents.slice(0, match.index) + includeContents +
        fileContents.slice(match.index + matchedString.length);

  return fileContents;

async function transformReadmes(filepaths, outdir = '', replacements = []) {
  const readmePromises = (entry) => {
    let readme = await readFile(entry, 'utf8');
    console.log(`Transforming ${entry}`);

    transforms.forEach((transform) => {
      readme = readme.replaceAll(transform.before, transform.after);

    readme = await fileIncludeTransform(entry, readme);

    // The `components/<component-name>.md` path.
    let localPath = relative(join('..', 'docs'), entry);

    for (const [pattern, replacement] of replacements) {
      const regex = new RegExp(pattern);
      localPath = localPath.replace(regex, replacement);

    // The output path at
    // /catalog/site/components/<?local path>/<component name>.md
    const outputPath = join('site', outdir, localPath);

    console.log(`Writing trasnformed file to: ${outputPath}`);
    return writeFile(outputPath, readme);

  await Promise.all(readmePromises);

When i build the project, these pieces of codes does not remove specific comments from found files. I have this problem in windows, not linux based systems.
How can modify this transformation in windows?