How to know the action sent to server by a button on a webpage? do you use a chrome addon for that?

how do you process to know the action sent to the server by this ‘Delete’ button on a webpage? do you use a special Chrome addon?

<div _ngcontent-geev-pwa-ssr-c1357586839="" class="modal-footer glob-font-body-bold">
  <button _ngcontent-geev-pwa-ssr-c1357586839="" type="button" class="modal-footer-cancel">Dismiss</button>
 ** <button _ngcontent-geev-pwa-ssr-c1357586839="" type="button" class="modal-footer-validate"> Delete </button>**


I have used Chrome built-in inspect tool, but this does not provide me any info about the action being actually requested to the web server, what else can I do to find it?