how to adjust categoryXField and valueYField position in radar chart?

I just want adjust categoryXField and valueYField in same position, like this photo.
enter image description here
Here is my code.


function amchart_on_libload(objInst, chart_type){createRadarChart();}

function createRadarChart(){

var root = this.RadarChart_1.getroot();

// Create chartlet chart = root.container.children.push(, {panX: false,panY: false,wheelX: “panX”,wheelY: “zoomX”}));

// Add cursorlet cursor = chart.set(“cursor”,, {behavior: “zoomX”}));

cursor.lineY.set(“visible”, false);

// Create axes and their rendererslet xRenderer =, {

});xRenderer.labels.template.setAll({textType: “adjusted”,radius: 20,

});let xAxis = chart.xAxes.push(, {maxDeviation: 0,categoryField: “country”,renderer: xRenderer,tooltip:, {})}));

var yAxis = chart.yAxes.push(, {renderer:, {}),min: 0,max: 100}));

// Create serieslet series = chart.series.push(, {name: “Series”,xAxis: xAxis,yAxis: yAxis,valueYField: “litres”,categoryXField: “country”,, {labelText:”{valueY}”})}));

series.strokes.template.setAll({strokeWidth: 1


// Set datalet data = [{“country”: “Lithuania”,”litres”: 100}, {“country”: “Czechia”,”litres”: 90}, {“country”: “Ireland”,”litres”: 50}, {“country”: “Germany”,”litres”: 40}, ];;;

series.appear(1000);chart.appear(1000, 100);

