Why style property is not working in javascript

I am a beginner and I am learning JavaScript now. I am trying to make a javascript game. On this project, I am trying to add a style through javascript. On my project, there is a div named “Chick”. When user press any key the row and column will change for the chick. But the style is not working. The style is not added when I press key.

 const chick = document.querySelector('.chick');
let chickRow = 17;
let chickCol = 10;

document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
    if ((e.key === "ArrowUp") && (chickRow > 0)) {
        chickRow -= 1;
    if ((e.key === "ArrowDown") && (chickRow < rows)) {
        chickRow += 1;
    if ((e.key === "ArrowLeft") && (chickCol > 0)) {
        chickCol -= 1;
    if ((e.key === "ArrowRight") && (chickCol < columns)) {
        chickCol += 1;

    chick.style.gridArea= `${chickRow} / ${chickCol}`;