Javascript saving on cart

`document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
  $(document).ready(function() {
    // Function to update the cart subtotal and full cart
    function updateCartTotals() {
      let subtotal = 0;
      $('.cart-total-price').each(function() {
        subtotal += parseFloat($(this).text().replace('$', ''));
      // Update the cart subtotal
      $('.cart-subtotal').text('$' + subtotal.toFixed(2));
      // Update the full cart
      $('.full-cart').text('$' + subtotal.toFixed(2));
    // Call the updateCartTotals function when the page loads
    // Call the updateCartTotals function when a cart item is added or removed
    $(document).on('click', '.cart-remove', function() {
    $(document).on('change', '.cart-quantity input', function() {
  function removeCartItem(event) {
    // Get the button element that was clicked
    var buttonClicked =;
    // Get the table row (TR element) containing the button
    var tableRow = buttonClicked.closest('tr');
    // Get the product name from the table row
    var productName = tableRow.getElementsByClassName('cart-pro')[0].innerText;
    // Get the existing cart from localStorage
    var cart = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('cart')) || [];
    // Find the index of the product in the cart
    var productIndex = cart.findIndex(function(item) {
      return === productName;
    // If the product is found in the cart, remove it
    if (productIndex > -1) {
      let removedItem = cart.splice(productIndex, 1)[0];
    // Save the updated cart back to localStorage
      localStorage.setItem('cart', JSON.stringify(cart));

      // Remove the table row
      if (tableRow) {
  // Quantity Changes
  function quantityChanged(event){
    var input =
    if (isNaN(input.value) || input.value <= 0){
        input.value = 1;

  // register products from shop to sproduct 

  let pro1 = document.querySelector('.pro1');

  if (pro1) {
    pro1.addEventListener('click', function() {
      let imgSrc = this.querySelector('.r-img').src;
      let category = this.querySelector('.Category').textContent;
      let productName = this.querySelector('.product').textContent;
      let price = this.querySelector('.shop-price').textContent;
      let description = this.querySelector('.main-desc').textContent;

      localStorage.setItem('imgSrc', imgSrc);
      localStorage.setItem('category', category);
      localStorage.setItem('productName', productName);
      localStorage.setItem('price', price);
      localStorage.setItem('description', description);

      window.location.href = 'sproduct.html';

  // Then, in sproduct.html, you can retrieve these details from localStorage
  window.onload = function() {
    const mainImg = document.getElementById('MainImg');
    const productName = document.querySelector('.sprod-pro-name');
    const productPrice = document.querySelector('.sproduct-price');
    const category = document.querySelector('.sprod-category');
    const description = document.querySelector('.spro-main-desc');
    if (mainImg && productName && productPrice) {
      mainImg.src = localStorage.getItem('imgSrc');
      category.textContent = localStorage.getItem('category');
      productName.textContent = localStorage.getItem('productName');
      productPrice.textContent = localStorage.getItem('price');
      description.textContent = localStorage.getItem('description');
    // register products from sproduct to cart
    const addToCartButton = document.querySelector('#addCart');
    const selectedSize = document.querySelector('.s-size');
    const quantityInput = document.querySelector('.quantity');
    if (addToCartButton) {
      addToCartButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
        const productImage = mainImg.src;
        const name = productName.textContent.trim();
        let price = parseFloat(productPrice.textContent.slice(1));
        let pprice = parseFloat(productPrice.textContent.slice(1));
        const size = selectedSize.value;
        const quantity = parseInt(quantityInput.value);

        if (size === 'M') {
          pprice += 50;
        else if (size === 'L') {
          pprice += 100;

        const product = {
          image: productImage,

        let existingCart = [];
        if (localStorage.getItem('cart')) {
          existingCart = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('cart'));
        localStorage.setItem('cart', JSON.stringify(existingCart));
      // Show success message
      document.getElementById('successPopup').style.display = 'block';
      setTimeout(() => {
        document.getElementById('successPopup').style.display = 'none';
      }, 10000); // Hide success message after 10 seconds

        window.location.href = 'cart.html';

// Functionality for cart.html

  const cartData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('cart')) || [];

  function generateCartItem(item) {
    let sizePrice = item.size === 'M' ? 50 : (item.size === 'L' ? 100 : 0);
    return `
    <td><i class="bi bi-x-square-fill cart-remove"></i><a href="#"></a></td>
    <td><img src="${item.image}" alt="" class="cart-img"></td>
    <td class="cart-pro">${}</td>
    <td class="cart-price">$${item.price}</td>
    <td class="cart-price1" style="display: none;">$${item.pprice}</td>
    <td class="cart-quantity"><input type="number" value="${item.quantity}" min="0"></td>
    <td class="cart-size">
        <select class="c-size">
            <option class="Small" ${item.size === 'S' ? 'selected' : ''}>S</option>
            <option class="Medium" ${item.size === 'M' ? 'selected' : ''}>M</option>
            <option class="Large" ${item.size === 'L' ? 'selected' : ''}>L</option>
    <td class="cart-total-price">$${((item.price + sizePrice) * item.quantity).toFixed(2)}</td>
  const cartItemsHTML ='');

  if (document.querySelector('tbody')) {
    document.querySelector('tbody').innerHTML = cartItemsHTML;

  let sizes = document.querySelectorAll('.c-size');
  let quantities = document.querySelectorAll('.cart-quantity input');
  let prices = document.querySelectorAll('.cart-price1');
  let totalPriceElements = document.querySelectorAll('.cart-total-price');
  sizes.forEach((size, index) => {
    let price = parseFloat(prices[index].innerText.replace('$', ''));
    let totalPriceElement = totalPriceElements[index];
    let lastSize = size.value;
    let quantity = quantities[index];
    let lastQuantity = parseInt(quantity.value);
    size.addEventListener('change', function() {
      let newSize = size.value;
      if ((lastSize === 'S' && newSize === 'M') || (lastSize === 'M' && newSize === 'L')) {
          price += 50;
      } else if (lastSize === 'S' && newSize === 'L') {
          price += 100;
      } else if ((lastSize === 'L' && newSize === 'M') || (lastSize === 'M' && newSize === 'S')) {
          price -= 50;
      } else if (lastSize === 'L' && newSize === 'S') {
          price -= 100;
      lastSize = newSize;
      totalPriceElement.innerText = '$' + (price * quantity.value).toFixed(2);

    // Find the corresponding item in cartData and update its size and price
      let item = cartData[index];
      item.size = size.value;
      item.price = price;

    // Update the total price in the cart.html page
      let subtotal = parseFloat(document.querySelector('.cart-subtotal').innerText.replace('$', ''));
      document.querySelector('.cart-subtotal').innerText = '$' + (subtotal + (price * quantity.value) - (lastPrice * lastQuantity)).toFixed(2);
      document.querySelector('.full-cart').innerText = '$' + (subtotal + (price * quantity.value) - (lastPrice * lastQuantity)).toFixed(2);

    // Save the updated cartData to localStorage
    localStorage.setItem('cart', JSON.stringify(cartData));

    quantity.addEventListener('change', function() {
      let newQuantity = parseInt(quantity.value);
      if (newQuantity < lastQuantity) {
        totalPriceElement.innerText = '$' + (price * newQuantity).toFixed(2);
      } else {
        totalPriceElement.innerText = '$' + (price * newQuantity).toFixed(2);
      lastQuantity = newQuantity;
    // Find the corresponding item in cartData and update its quantity
     let item = cartData[index];
     item.quantity = parseInt(quantity.value);
    // Save the updated cartData to localStorage
     localStorage.setItem('cart', JSON.stringify(cartData));



`            <div id="subtotal">
                <h3>Cart Totals</h3>
                        <td>Cart Subtotal</td>
                        <td class="cart-subtotal"></td>
                        <td class="full-cart"><strong></strong></td>
                <a href="checkout.html"><button class="normal">Proceed to checkout</button></a>

1.When I select a size for an item in cart.html and refresh the page, the selected size gets reset. Please how can i correct this behavior.
2.When I change the size of an item in cart.html, the cart-total-price changes correctly, as it should. The same goes for the quantity change. However, the cart-subtotal and full-cart values are not being updated accordingly.

i tried using everything but i can’t find the bug pls help me