How to Prevent User from Restarting a Game Until the Day Ends After Completion or Game Over in JavaScript?

I’m working on a game application where users need to complete certain tasks within a day. Once the game is completed or if it’s game over, I want to prevent the user from restarting the game until the day ends, even if they refresh the page. However, currently, even after completion or game over, users can refresh the page and start the game again.

  • I’m using local storage to store game state data and check if the game is completed or if it’s game over.
  • I have implemented logic to update the game state in local storage when the game is completed or if it’s game over.
  • When the user refreshes the page, the game allows them to play again, regardless of whether the game was completed or game over.
Implemented code
useEffect(() => {
    checkLocalStorage(store, setStore, data, setData, setGameOver, setGameCompleted);
import { PLAYERS } from "../assets/players"; 

export async function checkLocalStorage(store, setStore, data, setData, setGameCompleted, setGameOver) {
    const fullDate = new Date();
    const date = fullDate.getDate();
    const lastPlayed = localStorage.getItem('lastPlayed');
    if(lastPlayed == date){
        console.log('Welcome back');
        const temp = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('stat'));
        if(temp) setData(temp);
        const gc = localStorage.getItem('gameCompleted');
        if(gc === 'true') setGameCompleted(true);

        const go = localStorage.getItem('gameOver'); 
        if(go === 'true') setGameOver(true);
    } else {
        localStorage.setItem('lastPlayed', date);
    const newData = localStorage.getItem('store');
    if(!newData) return;
    const newStore = JSON.parse(newData);

export async function updateLife(store, setStore) {
    if(store.lives <= 0) return console.log('Game Over');
    const newStore = {};
    newStore.lives -= 1;
    await setStore(newStore);
    localStorage.setItem('store', JSON.stringify(newStore));

export function updateStorePlayer(i, check, key, store, setStore) {
    const newStore = {};
    newStore.players[i][key] = check[key];
    localStorage.setItem('store', JSON.stringify(store));

export async function checkStat(store, data, setData, setGameOver, setGameCompleted) {
    const newData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('stat'));
    if(!newData) return;
    const newStat = {...newData};
    if(store.lives <= 0) {
        newStat.totalGames += 1;
        localStorage.setItem('gameOver', 'true');
    if(store.players.every((player) => player.playerName !== '')) {
        newStat.totalWins += 1;
        newStat.totalGames += 1;
        localStorage.setItem('gameCompleted', 'true');
    localStorage.setItem('stat', JSON.stringify(newStat));

export function compare(val, hero, store, setStore, data, setData ,gameCompleted, gameOver, setGameOver, setGameCompleted) {
    const check = PLAYERS.find((player) => player.playerName.toLowerCase() === val.playerName.toLowerCase());
    if(!check) return;
    checkStat(store, data, setData, setGameOver, setGameCompleted);
    let flag = false;
    for(let i=0; i<4; i++){
        if(hero[i].team.toLowerCase() === {
            updateStorePlayer(i, check, 'team', store, setStore);
        if(hero[i].age === check.age) {
            updateStorePlayer(i, check, 'age', store, setStore);
        if(hero[i].nation.toLowerCase() === check.nation.toLowerCase()) {
            updateStorePlayer(i, check, 'nation', store, setStore);
        if(hero[i].playerName.toLowerCase() === check.playerName.toLowerCase()) {
            flag = true;
            updateStorePlayer(i, check, 'playerName', store, setStore);

    if(flag) {
        // incrementLife(store, setStore);
        flag = false;
    } else {
        updateLife(store, setStore);

    localStorage.setItem('store', JSON.stringify(store));