How to upgrade AWS EC2 instance type t2.medium to t3.medium?

I want to upgrade intance type T2.Medium to T3.Medium and follow the these steps.

  • Stop the instance.
  • Go to Instance Settings > Change Instance Type > t3.medium > Save.
  • then try to start the Instance again.

But it’s given me this type of error message –

**Failed to start the instance --instance-id--
Enhanced networking with the Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) is required for the 't3.medium' instance type. Ensure that your instance '--instance-id--' is enabled for ENA.**
**Failed to start the instance --instance-id--
Enhanced networking with the Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) is required for the 't3.medium' instance type. Ensure that your instance '--instance-id--' is enabled for ENA.**

How to fix this issue without losing any data?