Should I store pageSize as a global state or as an URL param?

Right now, pageSize is defined and being used in PersonItems (to set the items per page in a paginated list), which is inside PersonItemsWrapper. But I also need pageSize in PersonModal (to jump to the last pagination page when a new person is added), which is inside PersonAddControls.

  <PersonItemsWrapper /> // PersonItems is inside
  <PersonAddControls /> // PersonModal is inside

I could lift up the state and pass pageSize as a prop … but that means I’d have to pass it down two components. So there are only two other options:

a. Store pageSize in a store (e.g. Zustard)

b. Store pageSize as an URL param (e.g. https://localhost:3000/persons?pageSize?=10?page=8)

What’s the usual way of doing this?