App.use() necessary on only certain browsers?

I was just setting up a project and trying to set up a favicon. For some reason I require app.use on chrome, but not on any other browers. I am unsure as to why.

root - server.js, views, images
views - index.ejs 
images - yuhyuh.png

This is the basic layout of what I have right now
I have rendered index.ejs and I was trying to set up a favicon which I did using

    <link rel="icon" href="/images/yuhyuh.png">

and for some reason it wasn’t showing up at all on chrome, so I used this snippet I found online without really understanding what it really does or why it is even necessary at all

    app.use("/images", express.static('images')); 

It worked, but I realized that when I delete this piece the favicon still shows up on every other browser except for Chrome. I tested Microsoft Edge, Firefox, even Opera GX. Is this line necessary, is it showing up because I am locally hosting? I am unsure as to whether I need to keep this and why it occurs.

I tried to read into the documentation of app.use() and it referenced middleware, I understand that this is running the image through express.static? To showcase images within my express function, but to my understanding ejs is just html mixed up with js and this would not be required when rendering an html page, so I dont see why it is necessary now. I apologize if this seems like a question I can easily google, most of those sources left me more confused than not.