How to prioritize VS Code Auto-Import modules from my local directories over node_modules?

I often face an issue with the auto-import feature in VS Code where, upon typing the name of a module that exists both as a local module (or function) and within node_modules, VS Code’s auto-import feature prefers the version in node_modules.

For example, when I type cx and save, the auto-import adds:

import { cx } from "class-variance-authority";

However, I would like it to prioritize and auto-import my local version instead, like so:

import { cx } from "@/app/_utils/cx";

Another example, when I type <Button/> and save, the auto-import adds:

import Button from "@mui/material/Button";

However, I would like the auto-import to add my local version, like so:

import Button from "@/app/components/Button";

If this configuration cannot be achieved directly in VS Code, I would appreciate any recommendations for an extension that could facilitate this.