not able to redirect to next html template although code is correct

{% for cinema_hall in cinema_halls %}
        <h2>{{ }}</h2>
        <div class="show-container" id="show-container-{{ }}">
            <!-- Loop through shows for each cinema hall -->
            {% for show in shows %}
                {% if show.cinemahall == cinema_hall %}
                    <div class="show-box" data-cinema_hall_id="{{ }}" data-show_id="{{ }}">
                        Show: {{ show.timings }}
                         ₹ {{ show.price }} 
                {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

this is html code

// Click event handler for show-box elements
$(document).on('click', '.show-box', function() {
    // Get the cinema hall ID and show ID from the clicked element's data attributes
    const cinemaHallId = $(this).data('cinema_hall_id');
    const showId = $(this).data('show_id');
    // Redirect to seats.html with the cinema hall ID and show ID as query parameters
    window.location.href = `/seats/?cinema_hall_id=${cinemaHallId}&show_id=${showId}`;

this is js code

def seats(request):
    cinema_hall_id = request.GET.get('cinema_hall_id')
    show_id = request.GET.get('show_id')
    # Use cinema_hall_id and show_id to fetch relevant data
    # For example:
    # seats_data = Seat.objects.filter(cinema_hall__id=cinema_hall_id, show__id=show_id)
    context = {
        'cinema_hall_id': cinema_hall_id,
        'show_id': show_id,
        # Include other context data as needed
    return render(request, 'screen/seats.html', context)

this is code now what i want is that when that div is clicked it takes me to new url with website screen/seats.html but i am keep getting this error Page not found (404)
Request Method: GET
Request URL: please help what the problem in my code , why it’s not working