Queueing in python flask for an omegle clone

I’ve trying to make a queueing system but its not working.
The queueing logic im going with is that:
Lets say have we have dictionary “queue” which contains the queues.
When the dict is empty, we are gonna create a code, add our name to to it, and add all that to the dictionary as an item, and save allat via sessions, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: Check if the number of members become 2, if in that case, we redirect to /chat. When the dict is not empty, the code we’re gonna use is the key of the 1st item in the dict, and save it via sessions, and redirect to /chat

The problem im facing is that the creator of the item in the dictionary, i.e when u click on it when list is empty, THEY DONT REDIRECT. But if ur not the creator of the queue item, instead u click on it when there is already an item (u join, basically), u redirect.

I think the problem lies in the checking of the number of members when an item is created when there are no members, which i wrote under an if statement. Under that if statement is the checking, which i wrote in a While Loop.


#on submitting / on post request
        if len(queue) == 0:
            code = "".join(random.choices(ascii_uppercase, k=4))
            queue[code] = {"members" : [name]}

            session["name"] = name
            session["favColor"] = favColor
            session["code"] = code

            while len(queue[code]["members"]) == 1:
                return render_template("waiting.html")
                return redirect(url_for("chat"))
            code = next(iter(queue))

            session["name"] = name
            session["favColor"] = favColor
            session["code"] = code

            if len(queue[code]["members"]) == 2:
                return redirect(url_for("chat"))

And I just mentioned, the coder under the else statement is working fine “i think”, its just the code under the if statement.