I have a list query that returns an array of orders, that specifically have a value of acceptedAt: null
. I then have a mutation that on click of a button updates the value of acceptedAt
to a date.
The mutation invalidates the server key used on the list end point to “refresh” the list, however for some reason the item that i have just updated, remains in the list, but with the acceptedAt
set. (obviously its refreshing the values of the list items, but not the list itself.)
Here is the query:
export const useOrderList = <TData = OrderListResponseType,>(
params: OrderListParametersType,
options?: ApiV2InfiniteQueryOptions<TData>,
) => {
const { business } = useSellarCurrentBusiness();
const { user } = useFirebaseUser();
console.log({ params });
return useInfiniteQuery({
queryKey: [user?.uid, business?.id, ServerStateKeys.Orders, params],
queryFn: ({ pageParam }) =>
method: "get",
path: `orders`,
params: {
offset: pageParam,
}).then((data) => apiV2AssertResponse<TData>(data).data),
...getDefaultInfiniteQueryOptions({ ...options, limit: params.limit }),
and here is the mutation:
export const useOrderAccept = (id: number) => {
const { business } = useSellarCurrentBusiness();
const { user } = useFirebaseUser();
const queryClient = useQueryClient();
return useMutation({
mutationFn: () =>
method: "post",
path: `orders/v2/${id}/accept`,
(response) =>
.data as OrderV2Dto.OrderAcceptResponseType,
onSuccess: (response) => {
queryKey: [user?.uid, business?.id, ServerStateKeys.Orders],
predicate: ({ queryKey }) => {
return (
queryKey[0] === user?.uid &&
queryKey[1] === business?.id &&
queryKey[2] === ServerStateKeys.Orders &&
typeof queryKey[3] === "object"
(data) => {
if (!data?.pages) return data;
return {
pages: data.pages.map((page) =>
page.map((order) =>
order.id === response.id ? response : order,