useGeolocation refresh many times

I’m new in React and I would use the hook useGeolocation but it’s refresh all the times. So I isolate this hook in a component Location but I can’t access to the position of the user and send to my component MapWrapper to center the map.

import { useGeolocation } from "@uidotdev/usehooks";
import { Alert, AlertDescription, AlertTitle } from "@/components/ui/alert"
import { AlertCircle } from "lucide-react"
import { MapWrapper } from "../mapWrapper";
import React, { forwardRef, useEffect, useRef } from "react";

export const Home = () => {
    const refLatLong = useRef()

    useEffect(() => {
    }, []);

    return (
            <Location ref={refLatLong} />
            <MapWrapper position={refLatLong.current} />

const Location = forwardRef((props, ref) => {
    const location = useGeolocation();
    if (location.loading) {
        return <>
            <Alert variant="destructive">
            <AlertCircle className="h-4 w-4" />
                Vous devez accepter la géolocalisation
    if (location.error) {
        return <>
            <Alert variant="destructive">
                <AlertCircle className="h-4 w-4" />
                    Activer les autorisations pour accéder à vos données de localisation

    return <div ref={ref} id="user-position" position={[location.latitude, location.longitude]}></div>


Could you tell me what is my error with the ref and if it’s the good solution.
Thanks a lot