Typescript: Declare interface with all optional indices accessible by “indexing into”

I want to create an interface that has all the CSS properties as possible indices but it could have none, and I want to “index into” it.

This would be ideal but it is not working:

declare interface ICSSStyles {
  [name: string]: ICSSStyle;
  fontStyle?: ICSSStyle;
  alignContent?: ICSSStyle;
  color?: ICSSStyle;

declare interface ICSSStyle {
  value: any;
  weight: number;

let obj: ICSSStyles = {
  fontStyle: {value: "italic", weight: 1000}, 
  color: {value: "red", weight: 100}

for (let key in obj) {

The error I get when I hover over alignContent is: “Property ‘alignContent’ of type ‘ICSSStyle | undefined’ is not assignable to ‘string’ index type ‘ICSSStyle’.”

All of the indices must be optional because it’s possible that any will be present or none. I also need to get to them through a string index, like the for…in loop above.

I have found similar questions Here and Here, but if they have given me the answer, I have missed it.

How can I set this up?