Next.js 14.1 Dev Mode Compilation Extremely Slow – Seeking Solutions

Next.js 14.1 Dev Mode Compilation Extremely Slow – Seeking Solutions

I’ve recently upgraded my Next.js project to version 14.1, excited about the new features and improvements. However, I’ve noticed a significant slowdown in compilation times while running the project in development mode (next dev). It’s taking noticeably longer than before, which impacts my workflow productivity.

Has anyone else encountered this issue with Next.js 14.1 in development mode? If so, are there any known fixes or optimizations that can help speed up the compilation process?

Here are a few details about my setup:

Next.js version: 14.1
Node.js version: node-v20.11.0-x64
Operating system: Win 10

I’ve tried some basic troubleshooting steps like clearing caches and ensuring my dependencies are up to date, but the issue persists. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!