Inability to send Firebase Cloud Message from Cloud Function if token is retrieved from Firestore

For some reason, when I call my sendTheMessage function, my device (not simulator) does not receive the notification if I retrieve the token from Firestore. However, when I uncomment the part const tok = … which sets the token manually and pass tok into my function, my device (not simulator) receives the notification. How can I make it so that I can get one (and eventually more than one) token from Firestore, then send the message using such token(s)?

const admin = require("firebase-admin");
const { onSchedule } = require("firebase-functions/v2/scheduler");
const { logger } = require("firebase-functions");
const { getFirestore } = require("firebase-admin/firestore");

exports.checkforsmsnotifs3 = onSchedule("*/5 * * * *", async (event) => {
    const db = getFirestore();
    const allDocsRef = db.collection("dates");

    const snapshot = await allDocsRef.where("checkedIn", "==", false).get();

    // TODO: get the token for the correct user
    //   const tok = "fUPMs-9eB0MTgW6V6mzzqf:APA91bF9a2iSaa_"+
    //           "d4xECQIYT6HXprjY1ZBP6Bj8Xt0tH12GH3Pp1jQai-Qrbqxowp"+
    //           "-1UDe6nvUUfWO8CSm10xO1G7n"+
    //           "ppsCnPGFYO4cKlg9FehscrJc84cNUTqSz1oetPKNVneWnFOtVJ";

    // Send notifications to all tokens.
    const sendTheMessage = async (tokenParam) => {
        const mess = {
            notification: {
                title: "Your friend is out on a date",
                body: "Your friend was supposed to check in on " +
                    "CheckDate but hasn't yet." +
                    " You may want to reach out.",
            token: tokenParam,
        logger.log("func was called");
        logger.log("tokenparam: " + tokenParam);
        await admin.messaging().send(mess);

    snapshot.forEach(async (d) => {
        const tokRef = db.collection("usersByPhoneNum").doc(;
        const doc = await tokRef.get();
        if (!doc.exists) {
            logger.log("No such document!");
        } else {
            logger.log("Document data:",;

Tried adding await before sendTheMessage. I suspected it has something to do with asynchrony but haven’t been able to crack it. I know the function is being called because I see the logs. But no notification on my device.