Generic typing is not getting assigned

I was trying generic typing, but it was throwing the below error. I am new to typescript. Please help me to understand the below error.

Property 'city' does not exist on type 'Person | MyLocation'.

In the following example, I have given the type as Person or MyLocation. In the output, I am able to get the given(city/sex) value. However gives me propery city doesn’t exit error. Also when i try to destruct const { city } = identity<Person | MyLocation>({city: ‘SA’, sex: ‘Male’}); it return same error

Typescript Playground Example

interface Person {
  name: string;
  age: number;

interface MyLocation {
  city: string;
  sex: string;

function identity<Type>(arg: Type): Type {
  return arg;
const output = identity<Person | MyLocation>({city: 'SA', sex: 'Male'});
