Mobile display differ from french to english version

i have a problem with a WordPress site. We are using the Age Gate pluggin to manage user from under a certain age to access our content because we are a Cannabis producer so, by the law, are obligated to block the content to user under 21.

where my problem happens is when i open the site on a mobile device (french version opens by default) on the french mobile age gate, the display shows as this FR mobile age gate whereas on the english mobile age gate it shows perfectly like this.EN mobile age gate

what i did is open the chrome inspector of my mobile tab from my desktop and inspected each element until i found it…offset

the damn vh-offset at -565px ? on the EN version it set at 56px. i have nowhere where i can set this and according to the chrome developper tool it is inherited from html.age-gate__restricted.age-gate__restricted.js which i have no idea where it is.

so in recap
wordpress site powered with elementor using the Age Gate pluggin

do you know where or how i can customize / edit this –vh-offset setting so it is identical on both FR and EN mobile display ?

thank you