p5.js stuck on loading in the preload() function on web editor

I am using p5.js, and me and my friends are working on a game for fun. We are using the web editor. We have imported some assets using the preload function. This displays a loading screen. However, it never stops loading. Unfortunately, I can’t really put the code here, because of how much of it there is, but I can provide you guys with a snippet and a link.

Here is the link to our p5 sketch: https://editor.p5js.org/adsfzxc940/sketches/jkCZbn4oM

This is our preload function, what we think is the root of the problem:

function preload() {
  images = [

  sounds = [

  // Sound variable shortcuts
  music.push(sounds[0], sounds[1], sounds[3]);
  menuSong = music[2];
  error = sounds[2];
  lies = loadSound("lies.mp3");

  // Image variable shortcuts
  // baseImages.defensive = images[1];
  // baseImages.offensive = images[2];

All files are defined, as you can see either through the link or this image: https://i.stack.imgur.com/jZYtB.png

We have even tried checking the asset locations, but nothing seems to stop it from getting stuck on loading. The weird thing is that p5 doesn’t even tell us there are any errors. And we are almost certain that the preload function is the reason for this, because upon deleting it, the game runs fine.

Any help would be incredibly appreciated, as this has annoyed me for hours now and we don’t want to have to start over again. Note that me and the people who helped work on this with me are very new to JavaScript.