How to properly stub a function within a function module using sinon in JavaScript?

I keep trying to stub this function within a module in a format like so (myModule.js):

module.exports = function (config) {


    async function myFunction(parameters) {
        // logic...

    return {

In my tests, I try to stub it like:

`beforeEach(() => {
    myFunctionStub = sinon.stub(myModule, 'myFunction').resolves(['apple', 'orange', 'grape']);

afterEach(() => {

Yet I keep getting: TypeError: Cannot stub non-existent property myFunction

Am I bringing in the function incorrectly? I have tried using the prototype keyword with the same result.

I have seen examples of using stub this way, and then using the instance of the module created to run tests on. I want to globally stub the function so that when other functions create their own instances of the module and run myFunction, that will return the stubbed value. I am quite new to stubbing with sinon, so maybe I am missing something obvious or misunderstanding the scope of what I can stub here.

I would appreciate any advice. Thank you!

Tried prototype keyword, stubbing as myModule()/myModule().prototype, but cannot get the function to be properly globally stubbed