Security Best Practices for Reading and Inserting Emails into Database [closed]

Hello PHP and Laravel Community, I am working on a Laravel project where I am using the Webklex PHP IMAP library to read incoming emails from a mail server, insert them into a database, and then display them to users for consultation. This includes showing the email in HTML format to the client. Therefore, id like to secure these emails against JavaScript injection before they are inserted into the server database. Here are my specific questions and concerns:

  • What are the best practices for securely handling and storing email data (headers, text, HTML, attachments) in PHP, especially considering the risks of SQL and JavaScript injections?

  • Given that the HTML content of the emails will be displayed to users, what are the recommended methods to sanitize or process this content for safe display?

  • I intend to only accept image and PDF attachments. What is the most secure way to filter and process these attachments before inserting them into the database?

  • Do you have any recommendations or resources on best practices for securely handling email content and attachments in this scenario?

Any guidance or resources you can provide would be immensely helpful.

Thank you in advance for your expertise and assistance!

Before posting this question, I have researched online for resources pertaining to email security in this context. However, I found that most available resources are quite general and do not precisely address my scenario’s specific challenges. I am eager to learn from the community’s collective experience. What would you recommend or what steps have you taken in similar situations to ensure the security of emails, especially considering JavaScript injection risks and the safe handling of specific types of attachments?