Get console logs in Chrome with Selenium 4 and Javascript

I am using selenium for a super simple test, using chrome; I am trying to get in the chrome tools some console.logs for debugging, but for some reasons logs are not available at all. I also tried console.warn and console.error to check if it was a matter of debug levels, but still nothing.

I used an argument to open chrome tools at start: options.addArguments('--auto-open-devtools-for-tabs') (you can see it below);

Here’s my code:

import { Builder, By, Key } from 'selenium-webdriver'
import { assert, expect, should as loadShould } from 'chai'
import { it } from 'mocha'

import chrome from 'selenium-webdriver/chrome.js'

// patch to make should chainable
const should = loadShould()

let driver = {}

describe('a second test block', async () => {

  before(async () => {

    let options = new chrome.Options()
    options.SetLoggingPreference(LogType.Browser, LogLevel.All)    // <--- here I'm trying to enable logging

    var capabilities = {
      'browserstack.timezone': 'Rome',
      // ... other capabilities

    driver = await new Builder()

  it('another test', async () => {

    // trying to log, but nothing shows up
    // navigate to app
    await driver.get('')

    // add a todo
    await driver.findElement('sampletodotext')).sendKeys('learn selenium', Key.RETURN)

    // assert
    let todoText = await driver.findElement(By.xpath('//li[last()]')).getText()

    assert.strictEqual(todoText, 'learn selenium')


    todoText.should.equal('learn selenium')

    // close the browser
    // await driver.quit()    // <--- commented out to check chrome tools console

This code throws an error about the arguments in options.SetLoggingPreference; if I remove this line, instead of printing in chrome tools console start, it shows nothing.

I read about this question in which the answer is made using Python, but I need to do it in Javascript.

I also tried reading all the chrome capabilities and the chrome command line arguments (which can be added with options.addArguments(), but nothing worked.

any clue on how to do it?