getting items from an embed array in discord js

So I got an interaction embed using this code :

client.on('interactionCreate', async (interaction) => {
    if (!interaction.isButton()) return;
    const raidembed = interaction.message.embeds

And this is what it returns :

  Embed {
    data: {
      type: 'rich',
      title: 'RAID DU : A :',
      image: [Object],
      footer: [Object],
      fields: [Array],
      description: '# Caveau des Incarnationsn### <:skull:1193157255407882340> Normal (:)',
      color: 9124820

I need to edit the fields of the embed, and i am currently using the embed.spliceFields() method.
How do i get to the fields array of the embed array ?
I tried console.log(raidembed.fields) or console.log( but they all return “undefined”.

It looks to me like an array inside an object, inside an other object and inside an other array :

[object { object: { array: []}}]

Thanks in advance for your help.