jQuery Trigger Key Event Failing

The site I’m trying to userscript for requires an account to see where the issue is occurring.


[email protected]

Then visit https://www.recipal.com/recipes/1698297/edit to see the input box in question. The script successfully inputs a value, the front-end reflects that the box is focused, but the anticipated result does not occur from simulating the keypress.

From comparing the console outputs of a simulated press and a real one, the only thing I can see that varies is the originalEvent attribute, which seemingly cannot be spoofed?

Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

jQuery code used to produce the input:

var press = jQuery.Event("keypress");
press.which = 13;
press.keyCode = 13;
press.charCode = 13;



console output:

    "type": "keypress",
    "timeStamp": 1704464067050,
    "jQuery34105937047508940263": true,
    "which": 13,
    "keyCode": 13,
    "charCode": 13,
    "key": "Enter",
    "bubbles": true,
    "isTrigger": 3,
    "namespace": "",
    "rnamespace": null,
    "target": {
        "jQuery341059370475089402631": {
            "events": {
                "focus": [
                        "type": "focus",
                        "origType": "focus",
                        "guid": 118,
                        "namespace": false
                        "type": "focus",
                        "origType": "focus",
                        "guid": 117,
                        "namespace": ""
            "focus": false
    "delegateTarget": {
        "location": {
            "ancestorOrigins": {},
            "href": "https://www.recipal.com/recipes/1230714/edit",
            "origin": "https://www.recipal.com",
            "protocol": "https:",
            "host": "www.recipal.com",
            "hostname": "www.recipal.com",
            "port": "",
            "pathname": "/recipes/1230714/edit",
            "search": "",
            "hash": ""
        "jQuery341059370475089402631": {
            "events": {
                "mouseup": [
                        "type": "mouseup",
                        "origType": "mouseup",
                        "guid": 3,
                        "namespace": ""
                "change": [
                        "type": "change",
                        "origType": "change",
                        "guid": 5,
                        "selector": "#faSizeIngred",
                        "needsContext": false,
                        "namespace": ""
                "keypress": [
                        "type": "keypress",
                        "origType": "keypress",
                        "guid": 6,
                        "selector": "#search_field",
                        "needsContext": false,
                        "namespace": ""
                "focusin": [
                        "type": "focusin",
                        "origType": "focus",
                        "guid": 7,
                        "selector": "#search_field",
                        "needsContext": false,
                        "namespace": ""
                "click": [
                        "type": "click",
                        "origType": "click",
                        "guid": 8,
                        "selector": ".btn-addtorecipe:not(.btn-mini)",
                        "needsContext": false,
                        "namespace": ""
                        "type": "click",
                        "origType": "click",
                        "guid": 10,
                        "selector": "#pushMacs",
                        "needsContext": false,
                        "namespace": ""
                        "type": "click",
                        "origType": "click",
                        "guid": 30,
                        "namespace": "menu1"
                        "type": "click",
                        "origType": "click",
                        "guid": 54,
                        "namespace": "menu3"
                        "type": "click",
                        "origType": "click",
                        "guid": 78,
                        "namespace": "menu5"
                        "type": "click",
                        "origType": "click",
                        "guid": 102,
                        "namespace": "menu7"
                "keyup": [
                        "type": "keyup",
                        "origType": "keyup",
                        "guid": 9,
                        "selector": "#faAggredName",
                        "needsContext": false,
                        "namespace": ""
            "focusin": 1
    "currentTarget": {
        "jQuery341059370475089402631": {
            "events": {
                "focus": [
                        "type": "focus",
                        "origType": "focus",
                        "guid": 118,
                        "namespace": false
                        "type": "focus",
                        "origType": "focus",
                        "guid": 117,
                        "namespace": ""
            "focus": false
    "handleObj": {
        "type": "keypress",
        "origType": "keypress",
        "guid": 6,
        "selector": "#search_field",
        "needsContext": false,
        "namespace": ""

Human input event data:

    "originalEvent": {
        "isTrusted": true
    "type": "keypress",
    "target": {
        "jQuery341059370475089402631": {
            "events": {
                "focus": [
                        "type": "focus",
                        "origType": "focus",
                        "guid": 118,
                        "namespace": false
                        "type": "focus",
                        "origType": "focus",
                        "guid": 117,
                        "namespace": ""
            "focus": false
    "currentTarget": {
        "jQuery341059370475089402631": {
            "events": {
                "focus": [
                        "type": "focus",
                        "origType": "focus",
                        "guid": 118,
                        "namespace": false
                        "type": "focus",
                        "origType": "focus",
                        "guid": 117,
                        "namespace": ""
            "focus": false
    "timeStamp": 24011519.5,
    "jQuery34105937047508940263": true,
    "delegateTarget": {
        "location": {
            "ancestorOrigins": {},
            "href": "https://www.recipal.com/recipes/1230714/edit",
            "origin": "https://www.recipal.com",
            "protocol": "https:",
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            "hostname": "www.recipal.com",
            "port": "",
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        "jQuery341059370475089402631": {
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    "handleObj": {
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